Friday, May 1, 2020

MV Assessment

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10] 

A representation underlines the presentation of an individual, a social group or an issue within society, in relation to 'Stop where you are' Corinne Bailey Rae is represented in a positive manner when she is seen associating herself with a diverse range of people all who are misunderstood. As the artist moves gracefully between each social group it highlights that she is able to see everyone as equal this intern promotes her as an artist because it enables the audience to acknowledge her kindness but most importantly her dedication to addressing the harrowing issues of prejudice to the world. This stereotype of being 'nurturing and kind' relates directly to how women are represented in society and within 'Stop Where You Are',  Corinne Bailey Rae displays all these characteristics. Again this positive representation will promote her as an artist, signifying that she is warming person who shares great concern about how the damaging patriarchal society is impacting not only upon these social inferior minority groups but also how society as a whole view those around them.

By associating herself with those individuals in the video - who are seen as social inferiors, she is enabling the naive selfish people within society (those who are ultimately the ones responsible for the creation of these stereotypes in the first place) to take a step back and accept the damage they have caused. Because by making damage known to the ones who are responsible creates a feeling of guilt which could lead to social change and actions being re - considered so that stereotypes are reduced. As the artist walks through the lustreless urban environment she takes time with each and everyone one of the inferiors, in particular the young girl in the blue hoodie. The reason for this is because the teenager could be symbolic of how the artist felt at the same age, the young girl displays elements of being isolated from friends and family however, towards the end of the video a powerful bright light is placed over her face as she simultaneously lifts her head up -  suggesting that the young girl is ready to stand up for herself and not let what has happened in her past impact upon her day to day life anymore. All these factors present the artist positively and reinforce the message conveyed through the lyrics and the title of the song 'Stop Where you are', with this sense of taking a step back and reflecting on the damage dominating society.

The idea of placing the artist in a red dress that connotes determination, desire and love not only allows her to stand out against the colourless urban environment but it also gives her the place of power to address prejudice. Throughout the video we are shown that social change is possible as long as we are dedicated to the issue, an important representation of this element is when the middle class businessman fails to acknowledge the homeless women (representing the norm in society). However, we are later shown the businessman handing her a coffee alongside outbursts of laughter, this could suggest that Corinne Bailey Rae's message has been recognised and is therefore the catalyst for a better society. Because social change has been proven to work this further presents the artist positively as it shows that the message has value, whilst also having the power to break down these social barriers so that everyone can be viewed equally. The overall positive representations conveyed throughout are ultimately responsible for promoting the artist so that she is seen as a public figure who's aim is to make society a healthier place for everyone.