Saturday, September 14, 2019

Introduction to Media

Introduction to Media

Types of media
There are many different types of media which are used everyday without fail by the entire world they consist of television, film, video gaming, radio stations, magazines, music videos, newspapers and the internet. We were then asked which media forms we would take with us if we were abandoned on a dessert island. Out of the following above I would choose to take Radio stations because they pretty much include everything, you can listen to a variety of music and you are also provided with the news. Also I would take the internet with me as I enjoy looking on social media and I like looking at everything that is happening in different cultures around the world.

LIAR acronym
We were then shown an acronym (LIAR)  to help us understand the type of media when presented infront of us. After that we were showed a variety of adverts all in which we had to annotate the Language, Industry, Audience and Representation for.

L - The camera focuses on the vet whilst he is examining the fur ball, we get the occasional zoom in when he begins to worry about the pulse. Initially we are unsure what the language is showing although that becomes clear when the lady rushes in to grab what isn't a cat instead it's her hat. The overall message in this advert is that if you are having trouble seeing then it might be best to have an eye test incase you need glasses.

I - Specsavers advert

A- All ages could benefit from this advert as it is encouraging you to seek specialist help if you are having trouble identifying everyday objects.

R - This advert represents an understanding that everyone should have an occasional eye test every once in a while to check that their eyes are working the way should be.

Imagine Dragons Thunder

L - The music video 'Thunder' by Imagine Dragons has a black and white setting which I think implies that life in a materialistic world isn't filled with color and doesn't have life. However we are presented with three rays of light which could represent the good in life, this is then followed by the appearance of these three alienated looking people performing unnatural and abstract moves. Dan Reynolds begins to sing and a few phrases are key, 'wanted to let loose' he is implying that he has been held back before but now he wants to dream big and not be ordinary - he wants to be independent in his own right. The idea that I gather from having the sheep involved in the music video is that a lot of people metaphorically behave like sheep for example, it's easier to be a follower then it is to an individual and to be different. So by having these unnatural looking talented individuals could be a way of trying embrace your individualism and to be proud of it.  The idea of being that 'lightening before the thunder', with the repetition of the word 'thunder' indicating that to achieve great things you will have to battle through the hard times but its how you deal with them that matters.

I - Imagine Dragons are a pop rock group from Las Vegas, the band consist of four musicians - Dan Reynolds the lead vocalist, Wayne Sermon the lead guitarist, Ben McKee the bassist and Daniel Platzman the drummer. The band gained publicity with their single 'It's time' which was followed by the award winning album 'Night Visions' in 2012 where 'Radioactive' and 'Demons' became chart topping singles. The band then released another album called 'Evolve', a lot of success came out of this album as it resulted in three chart topping singles such as, 'Believer', 'Thunder' and 'Whatever it takes'. If this wasn't enough Imagine Dragons reached the top five in many countries, whilst managing to sell 12 million albums and 35 million singles.

A - This type of video has been crafted to suit a teenage and adult audience as some of the scenes aren't exactly suitable for a younger audience. For example, a young child may find some aspects of the video frightening, although the words aren't scary it's the content involved,  as young children tend to focus on the movement in the video rather then listening to the song lyrics. In the media industry it's important that the producer has an audience in mind because without an audience there wouldn't be such thing as media.

R- This music video represents the idea that in life you have to 'dream big' in order to go on to succeed in many different ways. It also implies that you shouldn't let others hold you back and restrain you from being yourself. 

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