Saturday, September 28, 2019


In today's lesson we were shown an acronym for sound - MCDOVED

M - Music, the music that we can hear which is parallel to the images

C - Contrapuntal, when the music doesn't go with the images

D - Diegetic, which is the sound within the shot and non - diegetic is the voice overs and special effects sound.

O - Off screen, when the sound is elsewhere

V - Voice over, hearing thoughts or narrating, very similar to a documentary

E - Emotion, the sound makes you feel something

D - Dialogue, what and how it's said, also why it has been said.

Wonder women 
At the beginning of this short clip we are presented with vigorous music which is parallel to an image of a women with a fierce facial expression. The sound gradually turns diegetic as the powerful music from the beginning is still being heard however, we can now hear artillery bombs blowing up alongside petrified people shouting. Following shortly after there are great examples of emotional dialogue, specifically at the beginning where we can physically feel the pain in the women's voice. This lady is speaking in a different language which is quite interesting, us as an audience are only able to tell that she is crying out for help due to the support of the subtitles. The dialogue overall is very forceful, especially when the women is insisting that she needs to help the people surrounding her. Gradually as we move further throughout the clip the powerful music from the beginning returns, it continues to stay paralleled becuase the image shown is of Wonder Women stepping out onto no mans land. Once she is standing her ground non diegetic special effect sounds from her lazer armour which are designed to restrict the bullets coming towards her. To finish the clip we hear diegetic sounds 

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