Saturday, September 14, 2019

Summer Work

Summer task work

Task 1
Image result for ok magazine love island winners 2019The front page of the OK magazine shows the Love Island winners of 2019. OK have tailored the front page by placing the popular reality TV show to attract attention from the general public. Because Love Island is considered a popular reality show this would encourage many people to want to pick up the magazine to read more into the backstage gossip. Also among the Love Island section on the front page OK have picked out certain quotes said by the couple, this type of advertisement is defiantly encouraging the committed fans to want to read more. The catchy headlines are also what lures people into reading into it more, if you notice the intriguing headlines are written in block capitals and are short and sweet. This is crafty because too many words involved can sometimes put people off reading further.

Task 2
The Deutschland 83 trailer begins with two powerful events in History which has been supported with courageous sound that specifically changes its tune to more dramatic when it shows the journey at which the ex soldier is going to have to attend. The director has chosen to split the screen at these intervals so that us as an audience are able to gather an insight as to what this young man will be taking on. The saddening facial expression upon the mans face clearly explains that he is being forced to become this spy and perhaps he doesn't want to. As the courageous music used to describe the horrors of his previous job fade away we are presented with a much more calming and lade back backing track, possibly to demonstrate how his new job as a spy isn't as terrorising to his everyday life as being a soldier. We are then presented with a two second clip of a stopwatch, after the final second the clock beeps and the camera angle is then shifted onto the man running frantically away, could this be indicating that his spy mission is commencing? Also once the timer has beeped the music changes from the slow calming sound track to more of an upbeat and exciting sound track, the director has altered this dramatic music change as it would excite the audience into continuing to watch the trailer. The director has used many snippets of the series to give the audience an exciting insight as to what awaits them however, these snippets are only one or two second previews so not enough for the audience to not bother watching the whole series. For example, the director has shown a scene which has fighting involved which then shifts to a back and side angle of the man running. We aren't shown what he is running after or away from as the unknown is what excites us for the series. Being shown a back angle shot makes us imagine that he is running away from something/someone but equally he could be running after someone once we are presented with a side angled shot. The director has also used different lighting to display different scenes involving their content. For example, bright and intimate lighting corresponds to a sweet and happy scene such as when the main character is around the girl. Whereas when the lighting is darker it usually tends to be where all the fighting and angry scenes take place. This is exactly what you would want to expect as we associate these types of lighting with those actions. Another good aspect that I thought the director has really focused on is the type of camera angle. The camera angle tends to be from behind the person so that us as an audience aren't able to see what is going on until we watch the entire series, this idea links back to what I mentioned earlier about giving us an exciting insight to what awaits us but not too much that there isn't any point actually watching the final thing.

Task 3
Image result for we must get out of the eu newspaperAlthough the media has an interesting way about itself, it is also very negative for the human race and not always healthy to engage with. For example, the Daily express have published a front page all about the EU, the title consists of 'WE MUST GET OUT OF THE EU'. The pronoun 'we' automatically creates this sense that everyone in Britain has to work together so that we can leave the European Union - whether they want to or not! This is a great example of a hugely influential statement which shows the media taking complete control, also it puts those people who hadn't quite decided to remain or leave feeling indecisive. These people could be made to feel like they have to stand by those who want to leave as they don't want to be made out to be going against what the newspaper has stated. However, this type of media could also influence someone who has voted to stay not end up going through with that decision. Not because their opinion has changed necessarily but because this type of media is very persuasive therefore,  nowadays it's easier to agree then to disagree otherwise your made out to be an outsider.
Image result for big rise in public racismThe title of the Guardian newspaper 'Big rise in public racism since Brexit vote' explains to the government that Brexit has negatively impacted peoples views towards racism. However, in a way this type of media isn't as harmful to the general public as by addressing the issue it might help us to take a step back and realise that how we are behaving is out of order and wrong. So the media does have it's benefits, because of the influential aspect that comes as part of the package media in general is very capable of persuading peoples opinions/ideas. Therefore if a newspaper, for example in this scenario 'the Guardian', place a piece of information which initially seems damaging to society, could turn out to actually help to mend the issue as it's forcing people to think about their actions. 

Are you beach body ready?
Image result for are you beach body readyThis type of campaign is disgusting as it makes you feel that you shouldn't be allowed to head to the beach unless your lean and have a tiny waist with an amazing figure. Well that isn't the case! This advertisement has placed a photograph of a slim young lady as an image to look up to and aspire to be like. Beneath the advertisement there is a smaller section about weight loss protein drinks, this is completely unacceptable again as I feel like it highlights if you haven't got a 'beach body' then here is how to get on the right track. Because this particular advertisement has been displayed publicly, in particular on the big screens in New York city it therefore is open to attracting peoples attention and time. Many people have responded to this campaign negatively as it's completely unacceptable, one said "this sort of advertisement makes me feel less beach ready then ever and that its very stereotypical". Different age groups react differently to this sort of advertisement as the 50 year old states "this sort of stuff doesn't faze me now but 30 years ago it might have caught my eye and have made me question my body". Advertisement like this isn't right and it defiantly isn't healthy to be displayed in major cities in perfect view of many young adults who are likely to be heavily influenced and driven by this sort of media.

This girl can
Image result for this girl can campaignWhereas this campaign is represented in a much more positive light because it shows all different sized people giving exercise an opportunity. What makes this campaign even more enthusiastic and positive is that you can share your story with others who are open to giving weight loss a go. There is a video on the front page which shows a variation of ages races etc having a go, this type of media is great for saying that anyone literally anyone is capable of anything that they put there mind to. Another positive aspect of this campaign is that there is no 'ideal' body image to aspire to, it's not about looking like a model it's about feeling good in your own skin and that's exactly what this campaign has showcased!

Task 4
Big Six                               

There is no doubt that Hollywood has been ruled the main studio system due to a selected number of major studios known as the Big Six. The Big Six studios are 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures and Walt Disney Pictures.

- 20th Century Fox, Bohemian Rhapsody (November 2nd 2018, Regency Enterprises, GK Films)

- Warner Bros, IT Chapter Two (September 6th 2019, New Line Cinema)

- Paramount Pictures, Rocketman (May 31st 2019, Co Pro - Marv Films, Rocket Pics)

- Columbia Pictures, Venom (October 5th 2018, Co Pro Tencent Pictures, Marvel Entertainment)

- Universal Pictures, Mamma Mia! Here we go again (July 20th 2018, Co production with Leg Pictures Playtime)

- Walt Disney Pictures, Toy Story 4 (June 21st 2019, Pixar Animation)

Why might the Big Six become the Big Five?
Walt Disney have taken the decision to spend $52.4 billion dollars on buying 20th Century Fox. This is why Star Wars and Marvel Entertainment are now classed under Walt Disney Pictures.

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