Monday, October 14, 2019


Albert Bandura
- Idea that the media can implant ideas into the minds of the audience directly, this also contrasts with a similar scenario that aggressive behavior can lead to the imitation of those actions by the audiences.

Moral panics theory:
Moral panic occurs when something is illustrated by the media as a threat or danger towards society. Stanley Cohen, the main theorist suggests that the media over sensationalize behavior that have the capability of challenging the normal.

Hypodermic needle theory:
This theory suggests that media messages are injected directly into the audiences. The theory also highlights how powerful the media is as it's physically able to shape someones view of something and change it into something else. A key example of this theory would be the worldwide event WW2 where the Germans were brain washed through the use of propaganda into believing whatever they were told.

Marilyn Manson:
Manson is best known for being an American signer, songwriter and producer although he gained a reputation in the media as a controversial figure and a negative influence for younger people. He studied at a Christian school where the teachers would aim to educate them on their music choice such as what is wrong and and what is right - unfortunately Manson fell in love with the wrong type!

Natural born killers:
This is a crime film which tells the story of two traumatic childhoods where these people grew up to become lovers and mass murders all in which are intensified by the media.

George Gerbner - cultivation theory 
- The idea that exposure to repeated patterns over a long period of time can shape how we perceive the world. A criticism of this theory is that when people watch a film which endures a lot of violence and fighting the audience aren't usually effected however, if you were to place that scene in front of them in real life these actions would impact them in a whole new way.

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