Monday, January 13, 2020

Film Industry - Jungle Book 1967&2016

When considering both film posters of Disney's The Jungle Book its clear to establish that one was produced in 1967 whilst the other in 2016, the differences in the cultural context highlight how computer graphics have advanced over the years. Beginning with the 1967 version the characters appear very much animated and cartoon like whereas with help from CGI the 2016 edition can have more realistic looking animals and backgrounds. Advances in technology enables the audiences to feel more connected with the later version because the scenery and characters appear more realistic and sophisticated however, this doesn't take anything away from the 1967 original version. The appearance of the 1967 version is childlike and sweet, it seems like the sort of film which wouldn't cause any sort of distress to anyone who wishes to watch it. Whereas from the looks of the 2016 version we get a very different vibe from it, the colours are mostly dark making it hard to analyse what characters are in the poster. Only when you analyse the poster are you able to distinguish the other animals in the image because at first glance you only see the boy and the panther however when you start thoroughly analysing you are able to spot the monkeys and the snake - by camouflaging the other characters it creates this idea of suspense and the fear of what awaits them in the jungle. Also another interesting aspect of the 2016 version is the sunlight in the background, this light could signify that something good will come out of the jungle eventually even if there will be some dark moments before the characters get there.

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