Thursday, January 23, 2020

PPE - Dirt 1B News Assessment 2020

Grade: A
Mark: 38/50

Question 1: Analyse all aspects of media language, use CLIFT to complete this action as you need to talk about the layout and why its specific to the particular news genre and the style of text and how its been written etc. Discuss the technical conventions such as hard and soft news, the font to image ratio, the mode of address/lexis. MUST consider CUPPTUNE so that news values are referenced in order to get the higher marks, consider what the stories in the newspapers highlight and what they are trying to show. Lastly, provide a conclusion that is relevant to the question.  MARK: 13/15

Question 2: Must include a representation theory of your choice, could have selected either Van Zoonen, Hooks, Gauntlett, Butler, Hall or Gilroy. Could have spoken about how white males are represented, how the Syrians come across, females, age, gender and ethnicity. Also speak about camera angles and consider why the image appears to have been taken from the particular angle, could it represent vulnerability or power?  MARK: 9/10

Question 3: Technology advances, use any examples of:
  • More accessible 
  • Clear format/layout
  • More interactive
  • Ads/subscriptions
  • Similar links to related articles (wider range)
  • Can find any newspaper that you desire
  • Globally interactive audience
  • Portable 
  • Environmental friendly
  • Updates news automatically/Live updates
Include why the print circulation has decreased and use examples of the above to back up and evaluate the question. Refer to the online versions of The Guardian and The Daily Mail and explain how the industry has responded to the decline in print circulation and why the online editions are equally as important.   MARK: 9/10

Question 4: Participatory media was the main part of the question, the audiences are now becoming more involved in the distribution and media and how they want it be written/how it comes across. Us as an audience are the ones which capture the images for natural disasters/new events. We then upload these images to social media where they are then shared nationally and internationally so that everyone has the option to view whats going on. Also due to the fact that uploading news on social media platforms is automatic it means that us citizens are ultimately responsible for being the journalists.  MARK: 7/10

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