Wednesday, November 20, 2019

News Values

Key term - Gatekeeping 
- Refers to the editing and filtering process about what information is let through to the receiver.

Acronym - CUPPTUNE

C - Continuity, the stories which are in the news already. 

U - Unambiguous, the stories that are easy to understand. 

P - Personalisation, the stories which include human interests about 'real' people and their problems.

P - Proximity, the stories which are close to home.

T - Threshold, a huge impacting story which is big.

U - Unexpectedness, an event which is out of the ordinary.

N - Negativity, the bad news tends to be 'more' interesting to read. 

E - Elite person/places, the stories about important people or nations.

 The Daily Mail - 20 November                  The Guardian - 20 November                             Daily Mirror - 20 Nov

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