Friday, November 8, 2019

HWK Newspaper research

Tabloid Newspaper front cover
Related image
Newspaper - Tabloid, The Sun

Name of Article - 'May's Brexit deal dead as a dodo

Date - Wednesday, January 16th 2019

Publisher - News Group Newspaper division

Intended audience - The main demographic audience for The Sun would often be suited for the middle/working class. This then refers to the C2, D, E social positions.

What is the article about?
The front page of the newspaper shows quite clearly that this article is going to be about the EU withdrawal deal, Theresa May has been faced with public humiliation as she is placed on the front cover of the newspaper.

What are the main points of this front cover?
A huge point to notice is that Theresa May has gone down in history as the biggest defeat of a Government motion in Parliament when she lost with 230 votes.
Also the fact that Theresa May has been referred to as a dodo also suggests that she is symbolising stupidity which is exactly the message that this newspaper is aiming to get across to its audience.
This type of portrayal on a newspaper automatically causes us as an audience to change the way that we view Theresa May for example, the For and Against vote count have been placed on the front page which then adds to this idea of further humiliation.

What do the key headings tell us about the point of view?
Considering that the headings are written in bold white writing means that they aren't easily missed, the Brextinct heading is even written in capitals which further enhances this eye catching idea. Also by using a simile 'deal dead as a dodo' creates this meaning that the deal she wanted is the bottom of stupidity and the fact that its been referred to as an extinct bird just in itself suggests that it is a bad idea.

What meanings are presented by the images?
The Sun took this opportunity to turn Theresa May into a dodo declaring that her Brexit deal is 'Brextinct', this is their way of publicly humiliating referring to her as an extinct bird. Dodo's were generally stupid anyway which further emphasises this idea of ridiculing her. Because these birds are extinct it basically explains that the deal she has made might as well not exist as it hasn't received the support that she hoped it would.

What is the message involved? 
The main message that is interpreted from this cover page is that within this particular source Theresa May has been represented negatively which could increase the amount of people that dislike her. She has also been made out to look like an idiotic person as the headings and the wording suggest that she doesn't know what she is doing.

Researching the decline in print newspaper circulations

2019 - Average circulations in January

The Sun - 1,410,896
Daily Mail - 1,246,568
Daily Mirror - 508,705
The Times - 417,298
The Daily Telegraph - 360,345
Daily Star - 329,971
Daily Express - 321,146
Financial Times - 180,053
The Guardian - 141,160
The Independence - N/A

2000 - Average Circulations in January
The Sun - 3.6 million
Daily Mail - 2.4 million
Daily Mirror - 2.3 million
The Daily Telegraph - 1 million
Daily Star - 500,000
Daily Express - 1.1 million
Financial Times - 400,000
The Guardian - 400,000
The Independence - 200,000

Which newspaper no longer has printed editions?
- The Independence

What is the list of national newspapers in the UK? (National newspapers aren't released on Sundays or December 25th)
- Daily Express
- Daily Mail
- Daily Mirror
- The Daily Telegraph
- The Guardian
- The Independent
- The London Evening Standard
- Metro
- The Observer
- The Sun
- The Times

What is the general trend in newspaper circulations?
The ABC figures regarding national newsprint sales are on a continuous long term downward spiral in the mid market sectors. Overall the newspaper industry continues to shrink with 126 fewer papers in 2014 than 2004.

What genre of newspaper has had the steepest decline - the red top tabloids, the middle market newspapers or the broadsheets?
Evidence would suggest that broadsheet newspapers have had the biggest decline among the titles for example, The Guardian's sales have fallen a massive 9.5% with The Telegraph not far behind with 8.4% year on year fall.

Ownership of paid newspapers
- Daily Express, Reach PLC
- Daily Mail, The General trust
- The Daily Telegraph, telegraph group
- The Guardian, The Guardian media group
- The Independent, Tony O'Reilly - Lebedev family
- The London Evening Standard, Lebedev family
- The Metro, The General trust
- The Observer, The guardian media group PLC
- The Sun, News International
- The Times, News International